by Emmanuel Simms Jr



Rising Beyond the Pages

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Balling Out Series: Rising Beyond the Pages

Key Themes Across the Collection:

Overcoming Adversity Pursuing Dreams The Magic of Basketball

The Strength of Friendship Academic Challenges

Author: Emmanuel Simms Jr.

Fantasy Book with Stories Character


Amidst the concrete jungle of Baltimore, a young baller named Joel faces a formidable foe: dyslexia, a constant battle that turns the halls of academia into a labyrinth of words. However, on the court, the young prodigy finds solace and a chance to shine. With visions of a professional career and the roar of adoring fans echoing in his ears, Joel navigates the streets, forging bonds of friendship with those who believe in him. Through grit and determination, he battles the odds, chasing his dreams and never giving up. The "Balling Out" series weaves a tale of resilience, hope, and the power of self-belief.

Isolated Basketball Ball


Join Joel, an eighth-grader with a love for basketball, as he faces the relentless challenges of dyslexia while chasing his hoop dreams on the gritty streets of Baltimore.

Genre: Young Adult Fiction

Teen Boy Playing Handheld Console

Target Audience:

12-17-year-olds, basketball enthusiasts,

and those facing academic challenges

Lett go of fear affirmations

We all have fear, and we all can let go of fear.

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